Saturday, June 28, 2014


Just finished watching Julie and Julia and am feeling truly inspired. I've been feeling like I've been going through the motions lately and I really want to start actually LIVING my life. I know that sounds so clique, but I truly mean it. The past year has been such a transition for me and I've had to pretty much rewrite who I am, to myself and to others. I am now working at a dead end job, trying to make it by and going to school for something I am passionate about. I feel like I've been such a robot lately and not really enjoying every moment that I'm in and that frustrates me. We always think that the grass is going to be greener on the other side, but truth is once you get there, there's always greener grass. I don't want to look forward to the weekends anymore, I want to enjoy everyday. I'm not one hundred percent sure how I'm going to achieve this, but I'm sure as hell going to try.

I've learned a lot about myself since my boyfriend and I transitioned into a long distance relationship. When you're so far away from someone for quite a long period of time (2 months is a long time for me) you begin to realize that when you're with them that you enjoy EVERY moment, I sometimes catch myself taking photos in my mind to capture some moments; like when he wraps his arms around me to hug me, I almost take a screen shot of the feeling of his hands on my back, his smell, what the embrace feels like just so I can replay it when we're apart again. It's so special to see someone for the first time in such a long time and I absolutely love that feeling. I've never been so excited about anything before, love does crazy things to you sometimes I guess.

Where was I going with that little tangent, ah yes, loving every moment. Sometimes I'll find myself in situations where I'm unhappy, or not where I want to be and I'll think about someone who wishes they were in my place. For instance, when I'm sitting at work and have to listen to someone else complain about how bad they have it in life, all I can think about in that situation is at least I have a job. Things could be so much worse than they are at that moment. We've all had bad situations happen to us, bad circumstances, bad days, but hopefully things do get better. I want to have a more positive outlook that allows me to really appreciate every day.

It's definitely been difficult rewriting who Bridget Wilding is after all that has transpired over the last 2 or so years, but I'm getting there. I definitely know who I'm not and I think that's a good start.

Onto better days, more positive thoughts and lots more love.

Hope you are well.

Love always, Bridget

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