Saturday, June 28, 2014

6 months PAO

I'm a little disappointed in myself that I didn't write on here the day of my 6 month anniversary from my Right hip Periacetabular Osteotomy (pretty impressed I can spell that with no problem now)

Let me just fill you in on how things have vastly improved from day 1 to day 180ish. I am a new person. I just read the blog I wrote 6 days before the surgery and I want to just hug that Bridget, she was in such a horrible place. I can remember distinctly all I was thinking during that time. I didn't know what was up ahead, I didn't know if I was going to be ok or even close to the same as I used to be. Let me just quickly write a letter to Bridget of 6 months ago.


I know you're in a horrible place right now and it seems like no one can tell you exactly how it's going to be, because no one really know what the future holds, but let me tell you, you are more than okay. You have broken down barriers that I never thought were possible. You are currently 6 months out from surgery right now and you are killing it. You are working out at least 2 times a week right now and not just doing upper body, you have started doing lower body, including squats and lunges. You just finished physical therapy on June 26th, 2014, now that may seem like a long time, but you were doing BOSU squats, lunges, planks, and some other advanced stuff. You are working 20+ hours a week as well as going to school. I am so impressed with how far you've come. Right now I am a little nervous for your next surgery, because it's going to suck to start over again, but guess what... this time next year, we'll be DONE and ready to move on with our lives. Don't stress, Bridge everything is going to work out just the way God intended. You are awesome.

Love, Bridget from the future

I really wish I could tell people who are going through this same surgery that it does get better, I remember how frightened out of my mind I was before the surgery, nerves are expected and I think healthy, because if you aren't nervous, you're crazy. However, I think it's important to know that the world isn't ending and you're going to be ok. It's been a rough journey, somedays I have bad days, somedays I am still in excruciating pain, but those days are very few and far between and that my friends, is a victory! I wanted to post some comparison pictures... so enjoy :)

and PLEASE always feel free to reach out to me :) I'm here for you!!

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