Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ummm I am still alive, I promise.

Holy cannoli it's been way too long since I updated. I think it's about time. A lot has happened since I last updated and I know that everyone is so interested in what's going on with my life (sarcasm.)

So I have turned 23 since I posted last. I had a great birthday, spent some time with my family and wonderful boyfriend. I started back in school again which I decided to do last spring since I got hurt. I realized that I couldn't rely on my body as much as I thought I could, so time to give my brain a chance. I took a class in Criminal Justice and really fell in love with the study. I am now currently attending CNM full time and hoping to get straight A's. I'm much more passionate about school than I used to be (I actually dropped out of UNM a couple years ago.) My goal is to get a degree in Sociology with a pathway focusing on Criminal Justice. 

After finishing the summer semester, I took a vacation with my family to San Diego. It was a multi-purpose trip. We took Grandma Rusti out to La Jolla and laid her ashes to rest in the La Jolla ocean. It was a very powerful moment shared by my Grandpa Lew, mom, dad, sister and boyfriend, Noah. I felt some closure, relieved that she is finally where she wanted to be. I miss her everyday and hope that she is proud of me. I also went to spend some quality time with my boyfriend before he moved to Troy, New York to pursue his Phd in Computer Engineering. We had a lovely couple days in San Diego before heading to New York to get him settled. It was really hard to be there and see where he'd be living for the foreseeable future, I miss him so much. 

I might as well give a little update about my hip, because Lord knows that's not over. I went to the Dr who performed my labral tear repair surgery and he had no explanation for why I continued to have pain, so told me to get a second opinion. I went to another dr at New Mexico Orthopedics and long story short, he has discovered that I have hip dysplasia, basically my hip joints are too shallow and don't function properly as they should. There is a surgery that can be performed to correct this, but I'd have to have it in Utah and it would take 6 weeks to become completely weight baring again and up to a year to get back to normal (frankly I don't know what "normal" is for me anymore.) So that's kind of where I'm at right now. Hopefully sometime this year I'll have that surgery, because the more time we spend not getting it done, the more damage that could occur which could mean a complete hip replacement... which I for one say NO! As always though, I'm a fighter and know God will take care of me. 

I'm sorry I haven't updated recently, I hope to be better with it! 

Hope everyone's well :) 


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