Saturday, June 29, 2013

Where have I been?!

That's a good question, I haven't really been on here too much lately. Don't know why, but until Dawn ;) mentioned my blog to me, I completely spaced about it. Life has really changed quite a bit for me in the past couple of months. 

Ever since my injury, I'd have to pretty much completely rethink my life all together. Most of you know my story, personal trainer/bodybuilder---> got injured ---> quit personal training and training. All in all it happened for a reason and I'm grateful for the realization that my life needed a "makeover" if you will. Well starting in January, I started back up in school and decided to take a completely different route. I took an introduction to Criminal Justice course just to see if it would catch my fancy. It did! I decided it was time to get my booty back in school. I have now taken three courses since that one and am going to be going to school full time starting this fall. I am really enjoying it and can't wait to see the doors that will open up for me. 

I haven't given up on finding out what's wrong with my hip, although everyone has been giving me the run around. I have gotten a second opinion from a different surgeon, with new x-rays and a new eye, we are looking at three different possibilities. He is thinking it's possible that I have hip dysplasia, which blows my mind, because as I found out today, it usually only shows up in children and doctor's try to fix the problem early on. From the x-rays we can tell that I have very shallow sockets, meaning that my hip joint (the ball) barely go into my hip socket. The doctor told me that if this is what's going on, then it would have been inevitable, I would have had this problem later on in life, he thinks that my training just sped up the process, causing me more issues now rather than later on. It's very frustrating and quite frankly pretty frightening. I just want someone to tell me what the heck is going on so I can get on with things. 

Other than that, I've just been working at the vet office, seeing cute puppies and kitties day in and day out, (what a hard job.) and spending time with my family and boyfriend. 

Life is great, can't complain that much. Really getting excited for the future and what's to come! 

:) <3 

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