Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I'm so thankful for my family, like all families, we get on each other's nerves and really know how to get under each other's skin, but we still love the heck out of each other. My family have taught me some hard lessons that without I wouldn't be the person I am. I'm thankful that my parents do so much for me even though at my age I should be out "conquering the world." I'm thankful that my sister always makes me think and challenges me to be a strong person sticking up for what I believe in. Most of all I'm thankful that I have a good relationship with all three of them and that they love me for who I am, most of the time. I love you guys

I'm thankful for my boyfriend, Noah. Even though I am 1,800 miles away from you I know that we have something very special. You brighten up my days and make me so happy. Seeing you in person is like a dream come true every time, I didn't think fairy tales were actually real, but I think we're living a fairytale. I love you honey.

I'm thankful that after 2 years, I was diagnosed with hip dysplasia after not knowing what was wrong with me and had a surgery that started the repair process. I'm thankful that there are some doctors in this world that truly care about what they do and want to better people's lives. I can't tell you how happy I was when they finally told me what was wrong with me; I know how crazy it sounds, but after having so many different doctors tell you crazy things that made no sense, hearing that there was something that could be done about my problem was a huge relief. 

I'm thankful that I went back to school and am so close to finishing my Associates in Criminal Justice, I've learned so much and am really passionate about the field. I'm also really happy that I went through the Sheriff's Citizens Academy, such an amazing experience that taught me so so so much. 

I'm grateful for my friends, these people mean the absolute world to me and have really accepted me into their family. They bring me closer to God and happiness and are so encouraging. I love you guys! 

I'm thankful that even though my best friend and I haven't seen each other in such a long time that we still keep our relationship strong. I'm so proud of you Olga, you're kicking butt and taking names. I miss you a lot, but I know I'll see you soon. Keep killing it my dear :) I love you

I'm thankful for Noah's family. Even though he's not here, you guys make me feel closer to him. :) Especially you two, Layah you're a sister to me and I truly enjoy spending time with you and talking to you, you're so genuine, funny and smart :). Ramona, thanks for the constant support you provide me and the person I can always vent to. Love you both :)

Life is good, God is good :) I'm a happy camper and look forward to what the future has in store. 

Happy thanksgiving all! Have a great day :)

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