Monday, January 20, 2014

Hanging in there

I will be 5 weeks out from my surgery this thursday, this process is a slow one. I am still using my walker to get everywhere, I'm sure I could try using one crutch to get around, but I don't want to rush myself. I am far from my past self that would want to get back to physical activity yesterday. I am more than ready to be healed completely, but I know that slow and steady wins the race. I was lucky enough to have my boyfriend here through my surgery and first 4 weeks of recovery. He helped keep my mind busy, we did so much more than I expected to. I went with him to his parents house many times, we went out to run errands and had amazing Christmas and New Years celebrations.

The real hard work starts now; my boyfriend left back to New York for his second semester in school on Sunday and even though I am heart broken to say goodbye to him, I am so proud of him. He is sacrificing to much to better himself and create a future for the both of us. I can't imagine having a more stable and amazing person by my side. He has made this process so much easier and I am so grateful to him for that.

The focus for me right now is to get through each day and be stronger than I was the day before. I've noticed that my left leg is getting way stronger, because it's picking up the right leg's slack. I am getting a stronger upper body as well as core, which is a nice bonus. My scar looks amazing and I'm pretty proud of it. I am doing my best to keep my mind on board, I've started reading, which I never do and even started playing some Halo with my dad and Noah. I start school next week and am kind of looking forward to the challenge. This process is not for the weak, it takes a lot of mental strength to be injured, which I don't think a lot of people realize. I could see how some people may think it's kind of fun to be able to hang out at home for a long period of time and be "waited on" by others. I am such an independent person and can't handle asking people for help, I've gotten much better than I used to be, but I want to do things for myself and others, not the other way around. I am ready to get back to living my life, I've talked to many other women who suffer with hip dysplasia and we all feel our hips dictate our lives, we can't do much without considering our hips first.

I am doing well, yes it's hard to see your soul mate leave you for 6 weeks, but luckily we have technology on our side. I am focused on recovering, become a much healthier and stronger person than I was before. I don't want my ailment to hold me back anymore, I want to rise above it and live my life again. It's been too long since I truly lived for a long time.

:) Thanks for reading

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