Saturday, February 2, 2013

Rewriting who I am.

Old Bridget in a nutshell:
Gym rat who spent hours every single day in the gym, she obsessed about every single part of her body, trying harder every single day to better what God had given her. In a matter of three years, she had transformed from a track sprinter to a weight lifting bodybuilder. If you tried to get her to skip a work out, you were outside your damn mind. If you pressured her to eat a piece of food that wouldn't benefit the process, she would get angry. Bridget was an extremely judgmental person, not only of others but especially of herself. She was a personal trainer by day, changing the way people looked at their daily lives, making sure that people understood that a healthy lifestyle was the only way to go, to a gym rat by night that felt at home at Defined Fitness. Social life suffered, family relationships suffered, her relationship with God was pretty much non-existent. All Bridget wanted to care about was her body and the stage.  In her darkest moments, she would do anything to achieve the perfect body, even starving herself, rarely sleeping and even gave up water. She thought that competing as a figure girl was all that life was about.

She was very wrong.

New Bridget in a nutshell:
Loves God, first and foremost. Never in my life would I be thankful for an injury, but I know that I wasn't being healthy, if anything, I was killing myself with the lifestyle I was living. I no longer look at food as an enemy, I enjoy it. Like it or not, it is the foundation of our culture, so there's no point in fighting it. I LOVE myself for who I am, not what I look like. Despite being injured and unable to go out and about much, I am happy to have my friends back in my life. I am glad to have better relationships with my family members. I am learning that I have different interests. Before, all I was interested in was fitness, now I'm interested in so many different aspects of the world. I'm going to school for criminal justice currently. There is so much in this world and I feel very sorry for the old me who was just wrapped up in sweating a ton, looking a certain way and trying to change people to look a certain way. Life is a beautiful thing and I'm ready to live it.

Now please understand, HEALTH is still a passion of mine, but I think it is very important to have a balance, one that I did not have. It's important to enjoy life as well as be healthy doing it. MODERATION is key, I always used to say that, but I never lived by it myself.

If you're in a situation in your life where you put one thing before everything, it's time to reevaluate. That is no way to live. I learned it the hard way and if I can help maybe one person realize that it's not okay and there's so much more to life, I will be happy.

Live, laugh and love.

<3 always.

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