Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lessons of the last 6 months

I’ve been in England for the last 18 days and I have been able to have an “out of body experience” if you will. I’ve taken myself away from all the things that had been frustrating me in Albuquerque. I’ve learned a lot in the last 6 months and I’m very grateful that I can look at most of the situations in a positive light.

The first lesson that I’ve learned that has had the biggest effect on me is to listen to my body. Many people of course have asked me what exactly happened to injure my hip, I’ve been able to put the timeline together. 

June 16th- Lonestar Classic Competition in Texas. My body was extremely malnourished as well as being under extreme stress due to my training program. 

Come home and jump straight back into working out, no break at all for my body. In fact, I started lifting heavier than I was before the competition. I started to notice a bit of pain in my hip, but thought nothing of it. Fast forward to July 17th- Joined the Air Force. I started running a lot, because I was looking to join a special forces team so I had to pass a test. My hip was in very bad shape then, finally went to the doctor and got a diagnosis. Fast forward to now- Getting surgery on January 18th (FINALLY)

Another lesson I’ve learned is keep your family close. My family have been a huge support system all my life obviously, but especially the past 6 months. Before I left for England I was very depressed. The kind of depressed that you lay in your bed for hours crying, because you can’t be bothered to do anything. My family have stood by me the entire time and got me through some very tough times. 

I’ve learned that it’s okay to change your interests. When I first started college, my major was English, I then discovered that I couldn’t do much with an English major, I then changed to exercise science. In conjunction with going to school I got my personal training certification. I loved being a trainer, I was very close to my clients and learned a great deal from that job. When I joined the Air Force, I decided the job I wanted to work towards was military police. When I had to quit my personal training job, because of my hip, I decided that although health and fitness would always be a main hobby of mine; I didn’t want it to be my main focus in life. I have decided to go back to school and start a degree in Criminal Justice, I believe this will help me further my career in the Air Force. I also think I need a fresh start, the three years of college I’ve done, haven’t been much to be proud of. 

I know that God is always there. I know it’s terrible to say, but without God I can almost be certain that I wouldn’t have made it through the past 4 months. I’m very glad that a lot of people didn’t see me at my worst. Knowing that God has a plan for me, that God puts me through rough times, because He knows I am strong enough to handle it, is one of the most reassuring things. Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through Him who gives me strength. 

Another lesson, enjoy the little things. Sometimes life can be full of negatives, but there are always the little moments that make everything better. I’m lucky to have people in my life that brighten up the dark times. 

The final lesson I’ve learned that matters most of all is that things can always get better. I’ve had a hard time staying positive after all of my drama, but things are looking up and I’m positive things can only get better. The future is very exciting! 

I hope everyone has had an absolutely lovely holiday! England has been amazing, as always. 

Lots of love!

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