Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Our Girl Wendy

Noah and I have wanted a dog for about two years now, but it was never something we could make work since we were 2,000 miles apart. I've always had animals and can't imagine living without animals for a long period of time so we decided to get a four legged friend. I totally would've taken my kitty cat, Pandy with me to Troy, but since Noah's allergic that wasn't possible, unfortunately. We have been researching different breeds of dogs we thought would best fit our lifestyle and personalities and finally landed on a Corgi. They're playful, yet cuddly and smart. We decided to look into Corgi rescues in our area and found a few that we liked, but never pulled the trigger on any of them. Then one day, I found Wendy. I was browsing a petfinder.com website and came across her pictures, there was also a video on her page and after watching it, I fell in love. I sent her link to Noah and he too fell in love with her. That night we decided to fill out an application for her and waited patiently for a response. We heard back the next day from someone who was doing a check on our application to make sure we would be a good fit for Wendy (I really appreciate that they do this, because let's be honest, some people should never own an animal.) After everything was checked out and we were approved, we learned that Wendy would have to be driven 4,000 miles to us in a semi by a guy named Greg. He owns an awesome company called Rescue Road Trips where he takes dogs from the south who are mostly in high kill shelters and drives them to their forever homes in New England and surrounding areas. Being involved with Rescue Road Trips has been such a rewarding experience and I'm so glad we were able to save Wendy from an uncertain future. Wendy was found on a Texas interstate where she was covered in fleas and ticks, luckily she wasn't afraid of people and jumped right into her rescuers car. She is 100% healthy now and our little cuddle bug :)

Wendy is about 8 months old, she's a mix of a bunch of different breeds we think, Corgi, Border Collie, Australian Shepherd, maybe some Jack Russell Terrier. Who really knows, maybe someday we'll do a test and figure out what she really is. All I know is she's 18 lbs of adorable mutt. We love her already and can't wait to go on many adventures with her. I made a video of the day we got her, Greg calls it "Gotcha Day" and some other memories we've already made together :)

Thanks for reading and enjoy the video!

Wendy's video

Lots of love <3 B

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