Friday, January 30, 2015

Be better to you!

I absolutely love this story, it really spoke to me so I thought I'd share it with you.

A water-bearer carries two large pots on a yoke across his shoulders up the hill from the river to his master’s house each day. One has a crack and leaks half its water out each day before arriving at the house. The other pot is perfect and always delivered a full portion of water after the long walk from the river.
Finally, after years of arriving half-empty and feeling guilty, the cracked pot apologized to the water-bearer. It was miserable. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t accomplish what the perfect pot did.”
The water-bearer says, “What do you have to apologize for?”
“After all this time, I still only deliver half my load of water. I make more work for you because of my flaw.”
The man smiled and told the pot. “Take note of all the lovely flowers growing on the side of the path where I carried you. The flowers grew so lovely because of the water you leaked. There are no flowers on the perfect pot’s side.”

This story made me realize that just because we don't always think we're doing enough or that we aren't good enough that other people see us that way and we ourselves shouldn't see us that way. The past few years have been very emotionally and mentally draining on me, because I've felt because I'm not physically able to do anything that I'm a waste or a bum. I've often needed others compliments or approval to make me believe that I'm doing the best I can. The truth is that no one's circumstances are perfect, we all face situations that test us physically and mentally and those who are strong and work through these things will gain so much from the experience. It's hard when you're in the thick of a hardship to see the positives that can come from it, but when you're on the other side, you experience the positive outcomes. It's important to be positive with yourself and not knock yourself down until the only thing that can get you back up is other's opinions or approval. I've often felt that I'm a people pleaser and have often needed to make other people proud or happy to feel accomplished. Although it's nice to have other people's encouragement and positivity, it is not necessary. We need to be better about giving ourselves credit, to be proud of ourselves and not feel like we're arrogant or cocky. It's ok to be proud of what you've accomplished, because the only person who really knows how hard that thing may have been for you is

There was a time when I was so down and hard on myself and the only thing that picked me up is other's approval and praise. It was such a dark place and I never realized the damage that it caused within me. We need to be better about praising ourselves, this doesn't mean that you need to do it outwardly and make people feel like you aren't humble, but do some positive self talk! If you did something awesome that you didn't think you were capable of, pat yourself on the back. This will help boost your confidence for the next time you think you aren't capable of doing something and get you through it.

I am working hard at doing this myself, right now I am not able to do what I want to do, but getting through a major hip surgery and being mostly positive and uplifted during the recovery has not been easy and I'm proud of myself for staying strong. I am looking forward to what's to come this year, I know a lot of it is not going to be easy, but because of what I've been through, I know I can accomplish it.

Be better to you. Don't seek other's praise or approval for what you're doing, if it's wise and going to propel you towards a brighter future and a better you, go for it and don't forget to love yourself through the process!

Thanks for reading

<3 B

1 comment:

  1. Awesome writing, Bridget. We definitely fall short in the way we treat ourselves at times. You hit the nail on the head.
